Welcome to Skipton Community Orchestra.
The orchestra was set up in January 2012 to provide an opportunity for people to come along and play music together and hopefully make a reasonable sound!
More than ten years on, we are going from strength to strength…regularly welcoming over 30 musicians to each rehearsal.
We are open to all abilities and all instruments; some people are just learning a musical instrument while others are experienced players who may have not picked up their instruments for a long while…
The emphasis, however, is on having fun – we just want everyone to enjoy the sessions and maybe learn something new along the way.
Our conductor, Jess Mahler, is hugely inspiring, making rehearsals fun and entertaining, while managing to bring out the best in everyone.
Don’t worry if you’re a bit rusty – blow off the dust and cobwebs and come and have a go!
The orchestra meets twice a month in the evening. There is no need to commit to coming to every rehearsal – it is “pay as you play”.
We play a variety of well-known classical pieces as well as music from musicals, TV and films, etc.
Our post-Covid concerts have been ‘Sounds of the Movies’, ‘Sounds of the Isles’, featuring music from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, and most recently, ‘Sounds of Rock and Pop’. Up next is ‘Sounds of the Animals’ – including Peter and the Wolf, Chicken Run, Swan Lake, Lion King, Sheep May Safely Graze and much more!